
Counsel. Strategy. Solutions.

We provide clients with services that include: high profile brand stewardship, public affairs, public relations, crisis management, business development and growth strategies and community development.

Community Development

Community DevelopmentIt's a passion.

“Transforming the communities where people live is pivotal to creating a context in which human potential and creativity are harnessed for wider national development.”...

Business Development & Representation

Business Development & RepresentationSuccess for your business

We are a strategy company with expertise in business development. Whether your company is an exciting start-up or well established, every business must continually...

Personal Brand Stewardship

Personal Brand StewardshipEnsuring your brand efforts are successful

Having served high profile individuals and elected officials our firm has learned the intricacies of working with and for such individuals. Elected officials, television...

Government Relations

Government RelationsInfluencing Policy & Change

Government at every level has its own unique challenges, nuances, and quirks. For individuals and businesses looking to do business with the government or...

Campaigns & Public Relations

Campaigns & Public RelationsWinning Strategies & Messaging

Perception is too often reality. Legacy Consulting is committed to helping you build a better organization or company and upon doing so we want...

Crisis Management

Crisis ManagementCounsel in Crisis

Crisis can hit an individual, a company,  or an organization in many ways. Many times it is quick and unexpected. Whether it is an...